Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I like to play with something
I'll see if you can guess.
It starts with the letter W
It could even be you

It could be single
Or it could be attached like the part in partners
But it doesn't make a difference to me either way

I could leave them and forget about them
For a long long long long long long time
But i know i can always return to mess around
Cos they are always there and all around

I like to play with something
I'll see if you can guess
It starts with the letter W
Followed by the letter O

There are no rules
But the rules that i set
Even those sometimes i forget

I could break them or split them or tear them apart
Sometimes i wonder if i'm even one of them myself
They can make me happy they can make me sad
They can make me smile so too they can make cry
They can give me gratification of any fucking kind

I like to play with something
I'll see if you can guess
It begins with W
And it ends with S

I think you've got it
I'm sure you have
Cos i'm not that good a player
But i love doing it anyway

Yes they are words
Words on my mind
Why bother myself with women
When with words i have a million


Blogger 蓝月 said...


Goes the same for men.

Troublesome, indecisive and pain-in-the-ass heartbreakers.

11:15 PM  

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