Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tammy NYP

Its been a while since Annabel Chong. Every once in a while, our country needs a flag-waver to wake this sleepy, mechanical and indoctrinated society of ours. To highlight to the world that we are not a boring island but one so 'hip' and 'happening' that we need to make a big deal out of a small fuss.

It shames me to see how we feed on the sensationalisation of other people's personal affairs. Oh how we satisfy our voyeuristic tendencies behind a facade of self-righteousness at the expense of the subject being socially victimised.

On a personal note to Tammy, these are tough times. The worst being having to face up to your family and relatives. Especially those with high hopes for you whom you feel you have let down. But you'll get through all this and can only grow stronger. It is only through such times that we realise who are the ones true to you and will stand by you all the way.

"The world's a fucking fashion show. Tip the bottle fill the hole."

P.S. Its time i get a phone with better videographic capabilities.

And to all those out there who happen to be at my site hoping to download the clip, shame on you. Repeat after me, "SHAME ON YOU". Yes, shame on me too.