Tuesday, August 02, 2005


" I wake up aimless knowing that your interest in me wanes with each passing day.
I send you messages hoping but expecting no reply.
Lying motionless i try to fall back to sleep and escape the realities before me.
What does it matter whether i start the day fresh or with lethargy.
Doesn't matter if i die.

The baby bird is too weak to fly but the mother never holds it back.
For to fall and be hurt is the only way to learn to be stronger and wiser.
The scars of past failings are the chevrons upon the sleeves of life's uniform.
Why Cheryl do you hold back in fear of being awarded another medal.

Another cigarette lit, another cancer seed, staring at the horizon, hours upon hours.
The sound of heavy breath and tightening rope is just a sigh.
Just a sigh."


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