Sunday, August 28, 2005

I've got Princess Leia on my wall. I wanna see Sally Field do Carrie Fisher, throw in Julie Andrews for a threesome and a touch of nostalgia.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Look. There are only 365.5 days in a year. And there are billions of us human beings. So let's say each one of us just do 1 good deed a year. There will be more than a few million good deeds to go around everyday of the year.

Let's make a difference. Do a good deed today/tomorrow.

......while at it, maybe you can do my share too.

.....wait wait wait, i think this counts for 1 already. I'm spreading the word. I've done my share for the year... but let's not be so calculative shall we?

....Have you done yours? .... and mine?

Friday, August 19, 2005

And the story goes like this. Few months back, Mum passed me a few NTUC $10 vouchers for groceries. I spent them all safe for 1 and it expires on 19th August. Whether that includes 19th august itself, i don't know. Nevertheless, i watched Lost, the O.C. and One Tree Hill on tv till 1 am (not too long ago). Then i went down to my neighbourhood CHEERS store. Spend some time doing some calculations and this is what i eventually got.

Asahi Super Dry -- $3.50
Camel Sugar Peanuts -- $0.50
Singapore Maxim -- $6.00

Life is good.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Cooper Temple Clause

Its amazing what tremendous improvement a band can make between the time from its debut to its sophomore album. I'm talking about English band The Cooper Temple Clause. AMG rates both albums 4 out of 5 stars. In my opinion, the debut album is a little hodge-podge and you can feel that the band is still in its formative stages. Sonic experimentation is present but they are never as streamlined as their follow-up. On the whole, the debut album still sounds a little unlike a run-of-the-mill post-oasis brit pop band apart from the main difference being that they are more daring and experimental in their approach to their songs. The subtle flourishes here and there are indicative of the potential that the band posesses to be great.

The second album titled "kick up the fire, and let the flames break loose" (2003 Morning Records) is a real indie shoegazy rock gem. This is a classic example of the benefits of specialization. Lead vocalist Ben Gauntrey puts down his guitar and focuses purely on vocals. Didz Hammond who previously dabbled in samples and synths plays only the bass now. The end result is an extremely focused effort where the samples and sound effects melds perfectly with the exquisite melodies. Even though Gauntrey did not personally pen the lyrics, he sings with conviction and subverts and improvises with vulnerable undertones. By internalizing the melodies and lyrics, he reproduces an entirely personal affair. Similarly, Hammond's basslines have almost become the indispensable backbone of every song as he develops a penchant for hooks.

I am not saying the path for every band's growth is to be increasingly specialized in each member's field of work, there are many other external factors involved and it just so happens to work in this case. We can also see how the band had evolved and gelled in the way they work together with music brainchild Tom Bellamy taking over some lyric duties from guitarist and lyricist Daniel Fisher thereby adding another dimension to perspectives.

Debut album "See this through and leave" (2002 Morning Records)sees the coming together of 6 talented individuals to make music together. A unique identity had yet been stamped but barely a year later, the voice of The Cooper Temple Clause is loud and clear. I anxiously await what comes next though i am afraid to keep my hopes too high as and i don't see it an easy task to accomplish a greater feat. However, I won't be surprised that it comes right up next to My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" in the annals of rock history as the greatest album you've never heard.

Anyway, my dear reader, unless you happen to be a fan of indie music, i don't see my testimonial being any more useful to your humble lives than a broken guitar string. In fact, even if you were given the very CD, chances are u are unlikely to be able to appreciate it. But nevertheless this is all done in good faith of promoting good music. Maybe they aren't really as great as i have put it, but hell, at this point in time i'm a fucking fan. What can i say.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Finally inspired enough to complete the song that had been in my voicemail. Really had fun writing and playing the guitar parts. However it has not been recorded yet. Honestly i am considering if i should keep this blog public. It would be shit if someone else appropriated my work.

Ride me home

Sad is the face
Gone is the place
Where our secrets had been safe

Where is the colour?
The beautiful flowers
Everything has turned to grey

Ride me home
Ride me home
Ride me home to where the tree once grew

Ride me home
Ride me home
Ride me home to where the skies
where the skies were blue

Lying in bed
Thinking of you
Our relationship has changed

It's time for another
Pass me the needle
So much hurt, so much pain

Ride me home
Ride me home
Ride me home to where the birds once flew

Ride me home
Ride me home
Ride me home to where the breeze
where the breeze once blew

(repeat chorus)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Charlie and the chocolate factory!!!! It was great fun. Back to days of youth. And i watched it with the most special someone from my past too, albeit buying tickets for the wrong day. ( I thought it only opened on Thursday :S) Perfect.

A newspaper review said that we could easily picture Robin Williams or someone else doing a better Willy Wonka. But hell, nobody would be able to give the vague, depraved, mysterious quality only Johnny Depp possesses. Makes it so much more than a kiddy show, just the way it should be. Marilyn Manson who was so fucking interested in the role could have done a great job too if he had a better acting resume.

Hooray for the oompah loompahs!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


" I wake up aimless knowing that your interest in me wanes with each passing day.
I send you messages hoping but expecting no reply.
Lying motionless i try to fall back to sleep and escape the realities before me.
What does it matter whether i start the day fresh or with lethargy.
Doesn't matter if i die.

The baby bird is too weak to fly but the mother never holds it back.
For to fall and be hurt is the only way to learn to be stronger and wiser.
The scars of past failings are the chevrons upon the sleeves of life's uniform.
Why Cheryl do you hold back in fear of being awarded another medal.

Another cigarette lit, another cancer seed, staring at the horizon, hours upon hours.
The sound of heavy breath and tightening rope is just a sigh.
Just a sigh."

Monday, August 01, 2005

Staying up in the wee hours of the morning listening to songs of pain and sadness. I'll be fine.