Monday, June 20, 2005

If you go through my archives you'll notice in March 2004 i posted some demos... the links are dead now.... was trying to figure a way to post the songs here again... Still dunno how. Stumbled upon this song i almost forgotten about though. Here are the lyrics.

I'm a clown

I find it so hard to breathe now
But I gotta make it somehow
Everybody is watching
They are waiting for me to become
Just like everyone
But that won’t be done

I’m living a life that I
Never thought I’d survive
Hanging by a trigger
The trigger of a gun
I’m holding one
As I come undone

All these figures in my head
So what if I made the grade?
Are they of any use now?
They just don’t make a sound
Can’t make a sound
What’s the point of being crowned?

It doesn’t make me feel better
To know I’m still good
If I was offered another
I’d take my chance.


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