Friday, June 24, 2005

Gone Diving.

How did Marinana lose her job?

Back in the early 80s, Marinana (not her real name) was the most reputable restaurant dishwasher around. Of her entire career, never once did she chip any of her bowls, plates and stuff and all her final washed products were spick and span without ever a stain. Every restaurant in town wanted Marinana (not her real name) to wash their dishes. A few years later, the dishwashing machine was invented and entered the market. That was how Marinana (not her real name) lost her job.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Lyrics Location self reminder

These months are postings where I have lyrics in them:

December 03
March 04
October 04
June 05


Okie... uploaded my songs into 2 sites... still pending review.. so when they are done, the links should be

I think my new songs are much better, too bad i've been too lazy to go about recording them and stuff.

Oh well, i'm still jobless, not that i'm really trying. Think i've been too full of shit. Just get a job and screw it... what are dreams?.. dreams are shit.
Nevermind. Scuba Diving trip in Pulau Dayang next weekend. Hope i come back alive. Previously i took a NAUI course but my doctor failed my medical so i had to scrap the trip... This time under PADI, all i had to do was sign a declaration form. NO docs. SO yeah. If i die, those that i love, you know i love you. Love fades when we get distracted by stupid mortal stuff but love never dies.

Crap its almost 5 pm. I've been in front of this screen since i woke up at 1. Gotta go get my breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever then try to apply for a few more jobs before rushing home so that my bro can stay over at a friend's place otherwise my sis will be all alone at home.

Cheers Guys.
Peace out.
If you go through my archives you'll notice in March 2004 i posted some demos... the links are dead now.... was trying to figure a way to post the songs here again... Still dunno how. Stumbled upon this song i almost forgotten about though. Here are the lyrics.

I'm a clown

I find it so hard to breathe now
But I gotta make it somehow
Everybody is watching
They are waiting for me to become
Just like everyone
But that won’t be done

I’m living a life that I
Never thought I’d survive
Hanging by a trigger
The trigger of a gun
I’m holding one
As I come undone

All these figures in my head
So what if I made the grade?
Are they of any use now?
They just don’t make a sound
Can’t make a sound
What’s the point of being crowned?

It doesn’t make me feel better
To know I’m still good
If I was offered another
I’d take my chance.
In loving memory of BK Goh (20/6/46-19/6/01) RIP
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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Saturday, June 18, 2005


A picture paints a thousand words they say, with these pictures, you get to see what my eyes doth sees..... the opportunity to live vicariously through the eyes of me.

Friday, June 10, 2005

courtesy of

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I can't kill you, i can't kill you, i can't kill you no, i gotta kill myself
i can't kill you, i can't kill you, i can't kill you no, i gotta hurt myself

They made these attempts to avoid you, these attempts to forget you because they felt you were so cliche, we felt you were so cliche. But in the end they always fucking try to sound like you but always in the wrong way. In the way they play and what they say but always overlooking how you would say. Look now how the kids don't know you. Look now how the kids don't pay their dues. I will never forget you. I will never forget you.