Wednesday, December 24, 2003

suddenly see the need to remind myself on how brilliant "OK computer" is.... have been trying too hard to enjoy albums like "hail to the thief" and "amnesiac" and haf already gotten too comfortable with "the bends". "OK computer" is a masterpiece with tracks like "the tourist" that lulls you into a dreamy state of euphoria cum nostalgia.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

More old lyrics!!! This is the very first full song i wrote on guitar if i remember correctly. I remember first wanting to change the acronyms of the song title to D.I.E.D. so the title would be renamed as "Death in eternal disguise" or "Death in earthly disguise".... then i thought it seemed lame so i dropped the idea. But D.I.E.D. would be a befitting title as the protagonist of the song does indeed pass on at the end ("you were never influenced by anyone, and now, not even more"). In addition D.I.E.D. is reminiscent of "R.I.P." on a tombstone which adds to its graphical impact ..... of course there is that famous sitcom that uses a similar lettering for no logical reason but that is a different matter altogether.

Death in Disguise

Devils fall through the sky
you know you're gonna die
Don't bother to save your life cuz u now someday
you'll die too

Think you were born to fly
it's really death in disguise
take another step and you'll see
you're down the building
so bye

used to think that you were strong
you believed that you're your own guide
you were never influenced by anyone
except your father's bride

No you're not the same
i know you're hooked on the drug
fuck don't give me the shit you can quit when u want to
you'll cry
cuz you can't bear the pain the pain

blood chokes your brain
you can't get up
feeling is gone
you're not so strong now

what the hell is going on

you were never influenced my anyone
and now not even more

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Trying to recall lyrics of my old songs and keep a record of them.

As I sit and watch the world shrink away

Fatal creation
Turbid illusions
bringing back my black repercussions
feeding on evil
sucking the meagre
making everything else seem so bitter

Pieces of urea
welded together
ultimately grouse
oh whatever
low resolution
where's my technician?
how can anyone survive in such fashion

fatal addiction
massive delusions
open ended answers to questions
caesarian incision was my decision
frigid foetus proves my conviction

kick it wish it wash it turn it
face it lose it burn it breathe it

daddy stole a pot of gold
daddy put it all on show
daddy don't know where to go
daddy has just sold his soul

fatal creation turbid illusion
pieces of urea welded together

Dream to the dawn

A silent sigh
but i heard it through the night
memories of past
won't leave me alone tonight

Oh look at me
i am old and weak
i was young but now
time's an enemy

the blood has dried
and i am bare
a feeling of nothingness
leaves me lying there

Oh please let me go
I'm not afraid of the dark
i want to realise
my dream to the dawn

give me breath again
and i'll never live in vain
a life without regrets
make me a newborn child

I'll say it once more
and i'll say it true
a man can't do what a man should do
beneath my withered soul
lies an aching heart
which still await for its time to come

it wants to live
it wants to be seen
it wants but can it be?
the world waits for nobody

oh please let me go
i'm not afraid of the dark
i want to realise my dream to the dawn