Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Something for you to play!!!!

Step 1: Click and hold the 'X' on the upper right hand corner of your screen. ( Yes, the button to close the window you doofus! ) This will freeze the flashing radiohead icon thingy.

Step 2: Drag your mouse and release it elsewhere on the screen and the thing will start spinning again.

Step3: Try not to feel dumb. ( You must be bored to be here anyway )

If you can manage to freeze the same picture 3 times in a row, you're a genius!!! It's possible, i did it twice.... Got the "dangera" and the "thin ice" signs 3 times in a row. It's all about rhythm, and if you get the man on the toilet bowl 3 times, go directly to jail. Do not pass GO!. Do not collect $200.


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