Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Something for you to play!!!!

Step 1: Click and hold the 'X' on the upper right hand corner of your screen. ( Yes, the button to close the window you doofus! ) This will freeze the flashing radiohead icon thingy.

Step 2: Drag your mouse and release it elsewhere on the screen and the thing will start spinning again.

Step3: Try not to feel dumb. ( You must be bored to be here anyway )

If you can manage to freeze the same picture 3 times in a row, you're a genius!!! It's possible, i did it twice.... Got the "dangera" and the "thin ice" signs 3 times in a row. It's all about rhythm, and if you get the man on the toilet bowl 3 times, go directly to jail. Do not pass GO!. Do not collect $200.
"Artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue." -- Jules Feiffer

Exam periods are unique. You've got lotsa time to slack and all that shit. And yet u have controlled enjoyment cause somewhere inside your head there is that pressure hovering and you impose unnecessary restrictions on yourself like not going to the movies. So instead u sit on the sofa and stare at the tv for 4 hours and then turn on your computer and surf for another 4. What's up with that?

Anyway, my ex-roomate serious, wanted me to post something he found for me... but i left it at home...
.. anyway i think its a tad too long and cumbersome to post but i'll give the gist of it. The author rebukes the notion that work should be called making a living. Instead it should be called making a dying. You get up god fucking early in the morning, go through a god fucking routinised day, make yourself god fucking tired, feel like a god fucking zombie when you get home and barely have enough breath to fuck. So since at the end of the day u feel substantially less alive than at the start of it, it should be called making a dying.

I'm not particularly impressed by this article, it is something we all already know but live with isn't it? Doesn't really offer any insight to anything original or new, no revelation of sorts. And what's more, "making a dying"?!!! I dunno if the author is someone trying to act cute or might be just a geek who thinks its cool but it has certainly found a place in my list of lame phrases to be used when needed. Furthermore, just like me, all say and no do amounts to little more than fart in the air.

As a final note,
"Artists shouldn't eat shit even though they know that it stinks." -- Junji

Saturday, October 25, 2003

The Potion Maker
vacancebium is a translucent, crumbly orange powder distilled from the bones of a murderer.
Mix with vacance! Username:
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern

Steven Paul (Elliott) Smith. August 6, 1969 – October 21, 2003
God rest his soul.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

hmmm.... gigs had had been disappointing lately.

Wine Electric

Angels call
Final prayer
Not much time left to lose
Always been
My mistake
Didn't think that you would break

Reins of fate
My heart breaks
What's the point? Toss a coin

Can't find a better way
Can't find a better way

I can't find a better way
Can't get over
Can't get over this pain that i suffer
Memories of friendship that we shared

We'll make a brighter day
We'll make a brighter day

We'll get better
When you return from the arms of the other
You and I will be whole again

Pure champagne

Friday, October 03, 2003

Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?

Backstabbing: 4

Dodgin': 10

Guts: 3

Magic Mojo: 10

Smackdown: 10

Will your battle imp beat Vacance's?
Enter your name and fight.