Saturday, August 09, 2003

( CAUTION: The thematic content of this posting is of a matured nature and may prove offensive to some )

Sponk had a close friend, Listy. Their relationship was one of flirting and teasings. No sex or kissing as yet but they were close. With a slender body, big round eyes and a sharp nose, Listy was attractive.

Dressed in a black halter top and skirt, Listy gets of the taxi after a clubbing session late one night. Still feeling a little tipsy, she lights a cigarette and decides to enjoy it before returning home. She takes a stroll aroundher apartment block and reaches the park at the back. With half a cigarette left, she sits upon a bench and attempts poorly to blow smoke rings into the chilly air. Unknowingly she falls gently asleep and the cigarette butt rolls of her fingers onto the pavement in a splash of sparks.

A firm hand reaches up her blouse, beneath her silky smooth bra as Listy awakes in shock. He was a balding middle-aged man. The kind of person you could tell that life had not been very fair to. With alcohol still in her bloodstream, Listy struggled meekly and made a weak cry for help. At this, he covered her mouth tight and brought Listy under his control without much difficulty. His zipper was now undone as he continued fondling and kissing. Tears streamed down Listy's face as she struggled helplessly.

Just as he reached his hand under her skirt to pull down her panties, he was pulled strongly away from her by the shoulders with one sudden swift tug. He looked up to see a tall dark figure deliver a raging blow squarely into his face. He felt the crunching of bones in his nose as he gave out a painful yell. Another jab into his lower abdomen sent the blood-smeared face rapist running for dear life.

This hero of a stranger sat himself down beside Listy who was sobbing and shivering in terror. Calmly he put his strong, assuring arms around her shoulders. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Listy, who was too shaken to reply only huddled closer to him and buried her face into his chest.
In this postition they sat for over an hour on the bench in the park in the quiet stillness of the night.
Eventually when the shaking had subsided, Listy looked up into his eyes and mumbled a wobbly "Thank you".
The stranger stared into the teary eyes of Listy. The delicate and fragile body in his arms evoked a strong desire within him. Slowly he lifted her chin and placed his lips to hers.

Listy's mind was now in a state of total confusion. The feelings of shock, terror, fear, pain, weakness and gratitude all tangled up in a big ball of mess within her skull. The convoluted spinning of her head made her numb and unresponsive to the situation. Neither mentally nor physically had she the strength to resist. The stranger realised his complete subjugation of Listy's body and soul. He penetrated deep into her ....over .... and over.... and over ... and over again ....until finally, he was satisfied.

Then, he walked away.


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