Monday, July 14, 2003

Just communicated with a dear friend. Someone i haven't seen or talked to in while. An angel. But well, i haven't seen or talked to many people in a while. Well this friend commented that my blog is too "chim", and she would rather i write about interesting events that occur day-in day-out. I stop and think.

She is probably right. All this pretentious crap i'm writing is probably boring the wits out of many people. Then again i question the purpose of this blog. I guess to me it's a platform for my creativity ( if there is any of it left ). I used to be an Arts student. Reading and writing had been sort of a passion. But as usual, i'm brilliant at making wrong decisions. In fact i'm even better at not making decisions and letting things ride.
Since i'm a melancholic old fool, I've been drowning in my own sorrow instead of attempting to perservere with the things i'm passionate about. I've never really fought for anything i wanted. Somehow i don't see the importance of fighting. When young, we always question the meaning of life. The truth is there really isn't any but what you make out of it. So i lack the will power.

Life is a mould. We are the clay. We shape the mould that moulds us. Take time in moulding the mould and you're be pleased with the figure it moulds. Leave it on its own and you'll just come out as a shapeless formless piece of rock.


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