Monday, June 23, 2003

Pierced a needle into my thumb
Watched how the second hand moves round the face of the clock.
It moves clockwise. I cannot hear the ticking but i'm sure i would if i placed it close enough to my ear.
There i go again. Lost in the present world, out of touch with the real.
My couch turns red. soaked in the same blood that flows through the veins of my arse that is sitting on it.
I couldn't tell. I am colourblind. The couch was brown in the first place anyway. who's to blame? A staedler 6 colour pencil set gives me enough problems. Why would they want to come up with a faber-castell 52 colour? who cares about vermillion or cyan or indigo or rose. At least i know a rose has different colours. White, Yellow, Pink, pink roses pink roses pink roses.... i will not forget those pink roses.
Roses also comes in red. red as the floor now.... wet and thick, pasty and sticky... yes i feel it between my toes like mud, yet not like mud. mudskippers are fishes.... mangrove swamps to jungles to a wildlife park in the middle of the big city. I never knew they had glass prisons in the wild...

The entire floor is now red. my room has parquet flooring... i would have missed the blood. but i'm in the hall... my hall has tiles for flooring.... blue or cyan or something... who cares.... My father used to tell me 3 squares approximates a metre. we had to sit 9 squares away from the TV... 3 metres is the safe distance from radiation.... the world has changed. nobody bothers about such trivial stuff these days...
.. even my father has stopped speaking. even if he did, i wouldn't know....

does blood defy gravity?... it creeps up my walls.... like creepers. morning glory is a creeper... what's the story morning glory? need a little time to wake up. i can't wake up. wake up from what? i need to be awake to be able to know i am not. if i am not awake, how can i wake up. i'm trapped in this cycle of confusion. The little waves of blood are stretching and reaching towards the ceiling. They are almost there.... will they drip down when they join at the eeiling?... rain rain on my face, haven't stopped raining for days.... blind christians a blind faith. Just a means to an end so who cares? End? end.
... this is the friend ... i wanna be jim morrison... not me... thom yorke, thomas the radiohead guy..
.... radiohead t-shirts... up for grabs.... hail to the thief.... hail hail the lucky one, it is copy-control... can't steal the music steal the disc... all hail the lucky thief.

It's hypnosis... it draws you in... round the spiral... the spiral the web... my mind is a web... webs up and
gets me tangled and confused. everything is everything and is a link to everything.
and yes i forgot about the engulfing blood .... it probably has consumed me. i forget things... just like i forgot my thumb. didn't realise the pain, didn't notice it go numb, go white. Funny how a needle wound can bleed so much.

Funny how a tiny hole can emit so much......


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