Friday, January 06, 2006

Everyone has a holopod these days. That is unless you are still caught in a time warp where people still use paper money and metal coins. In fact, until i brought out a legal tender 10 Dollar bill the other day, my little niece never believed that people used to actually carry credit around in their pockets. Even upon seeing the note she was still highly skeptical, and suspicious that it was all a hoax i had made up to tease her. "How insane. You can actually drop ur credit and lose it forever while someone else could actually pick it up and use it to buy stuff." She uttered.

Flipping the holopod between my fingers, i awe at how incredibly great technology has convenienced us. This clever gadget can capture the image of any solid item of up to half a metre square in size regardless of weight, and recreate it in solid meta-laser holographic form upon command. So these days noone ever needs to carry along their house keys, car keys, cellphones, mascara, mp3 players, combs, cigarettes, lighters and whatever rabbits a lady can pull out of her magic hat known as the conventional handbag.

Well i guess its fair to say i saw it coming. Just take music for example. The mp3 media had been around for decades. However i still recall the time of old delicate vinyl records. Then when audio cassettes came along, it was fantastic as we could make copies of songs and dub our favourite tracks into mixtapes and share them with friends. I still remember photocopying cassete covers as a kid from mates and snipping and folding them to fit into the cassette cases so i could assume myself a REAL copy of the albums. Then there were the compact discs which offered amazing sound coupled with portability that competed well with cassettes. Eventually Winamp came along and provided everyone with the ability to decode and play the mp3 compression format without hassle which was the fork in the road. It basically dawned an entirely new era of music enjoyment. Lets of course not forget to mention the niche market of SACDs and DVD audio and the almost forgotten minidisc as pioneered by SONY. But yes, just a mention would suffice. With mp3, you could have entire discographies in your computer but as you head off for work, you have them in your pocket as well. Similarly with the holopod, you could have keys and other shitloads of junk in your drawers but they are now in your pocket as well and accessible to you with the scan of a thumb and a passcode.

Well, this model i have can only store up to 15 items but it is already more than what i would require. Especially for smokers, this thing is heaven sent. 5 years ago, who would think a pack of fags could last you a lifetime? (So long you remember to charge the batteries that is) As the late and great Bob Dylan used to sing, "The times they are a-changing".... I still recall my early days of education when i was constantly given shit for my horrendous handwriting. Well, i say pick any elementary schooler today and check out their handwriting. I just hope i live to see the development of this holopod prototype. Soon enough, cars, airplanes, even houses equipped with servants could be brought around in your pockets. Of course, moral values are another matter altogether, but hey, if a girl doesn't want to sleep with you, her holographic counterpart isn't going to either.